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What unions do


In AFT President Randi Weingarten’s latest New York Times  column, she describes what it is exactly that unions do. Though unions are the most popular they have been in decades, anti-union sentiment still thrives in red states and across the nation. “Several years ago, The Atlantic ran a story whose headline made even me, a labor leader, scratch my head: ‘Union Membership: Very Sexy,’” Weingarten writes in the column. “The gist was that higher wages, health benefits and job security—all associated with union membership—boost one’s chances of getting married. Belonging to a union doesn’t actually guarantee happily ever after, but it does help working people have a better life in the here and now.” Click through to read the full column.

PNWHMA Contract Ratified

Thanks to the strenght of our members and the support of our community, the Pacific Northwest Hospital Medicine Association reached an agreement with PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center and ratified the new contract at the beginning of 2022.

Sacred Heart hospitalists are groundbreakers in the fight for health care equality and social justice. In 2015, we put patients before profit by forming the first union for hospital doctors in the country. We are currently in mediation trying to secure a fair contract for all our members. So far, PeaceHealth has not demonstrated they are serious about addressing our concerns. We believe we have a duty as health care professionals to counter the corporate health care model and to improve health care for our patients and raise safety standards for all hospital workers. MORE
We are extremely pleased to announce PeaceHealth Administration has agreed to our proposed 1-year extension of our current contract without any changes. Our contract will be effective through October 2021. This is one less thing for all of us to worry about during this new age of COVID-19 and all that it has brought with it for us all. 
We have also initiated the 90 day hold on our cost of living increase which was to start July 2020 to show our support for PeaceHealth during our combined recovery period. There will not be a decrease in our pay with this change, just a delay in the increase of

Media Inquiries

Contact Myrna Jensen
ONA Communication 

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